51 Hours and Counting

We will be homeowners in 51 hours, but who’s keeping track? 🙂

I made it back from Cleveland, just barely thanks to Continental Airlines. They suck, scaled back so much they had no pilots in Cleveland to fly the plane to Madison and had to fly some in from New York, making me about 4 hours late getting home. After a fun but tiring weekend in Cleveland, I was hardly in the mood for airline delays, but what can you do.

Missy and I purchased almost everything we need to complete the basement construction project yesterday, and will have a huge load of materials delivered by UBC to the house on Friday morning. I had some down-time in Cleveland Sunday waiting for the plane, so I did manage to get all the utilities changed over, or scheduled to be changed.

We are still waiting on the final settlement documents, but were told that they may not be ready until the morning of closing, Thursday. Should be getting real busy here soon, but will be a lot of fun as well. The movers will be here next Monday, so I will be able to concentrate on the office construction with my dad Friday through Monday, which should be enough time.

When I get back to work next Wednesday, it will be major push mode for about 2-3 weeks while a major portion of my code gets certification. Having my new office will make a huge difference I am quite certain, and it will be super nice if we actually get it completed while my dad is here.

Also, don’t drink a huge variety of local microbrewery beers at Rocky River Brewing Company in Cleveland. Don’t ask me how I know, just don’t do it.

One Week and Cleveland To Go

Wow, this has been a busy week. Missy and I have be kid-less all week so you’d think we would be wild’n out, but no, we have used this week to enjoy some quiet time and lazy evenings. On Monday we went out for a nice Anniversary dinner and Tuesday we started packing the basement, but mostly it has been chillin’ out before the upcoming move.

Today marks one week before closing, and everything is still on track. I submitted what I hope is the final document to the mortgage lender today, and will be making a few phone calls this morning. My company agreed to pay for movers if I would cut my time off by 3 days, so I will only have 6 days off to build the office and get moved, but it will be worth it to have others move the bulk of the household contents, including our newly found free piano!

I am off to Cleveland, OH later today for our annual company meeting. Normally I would be looking forward to this trip, the guys I work with are crazy and a lot of fun, but I really just want this trip over. We have a lot to do to get ready for next week, but I suppose making time to throw back some Buds on Packy’s dollar is not a bad idea either. I just wish my company was located in Las Vegas, Miami, New York, or someplace really cool. Cleveland is the taint of the USA, the ABC if you will, you know, the gouch. Detroit takes the cake for being the armpit.

There is definitely an air of optimism and hope around the house, and nobody is really dreading the hard work that is coming up. Just the opposite, we are all looking forward to it. Papaw (my dad) will be arriving next Thursday to help me with the basement construction, and Missy and I have already been to Menards to make the first round of purchases for the house. I suspect before my dad leaves my truck will be able to drive itself between Cross Plains and Menards 🙂

Happy First Anniversary Missy

Happy Anniversary Missy! It was one year ago today that we tied the knot and started our lives together. That is almost hard to believe, the time has gone by so quickly, and it seems like we have already been through a lot in this time.

We have a lot to be proud of and have accomplished a lot in this short time. While we have achieved our financial goals, our biggest accomplishment is the one that we seldom give ourselves credit for, even though we have at times had to work very hard at it. We have built a family, not just merged two of them.

I used to say 3/5 + 2/5 = 1, meaning Delaney, Haley and Me plus Halle and you make a family. It was goofy, I know, but it’s also true. We truly have built a wonderful family out of two. It has not always been easy, and has certainly had its share of ups and downs, but that is true of every family. That is what family is.

We have had a wonderful first year together, but have also been tested with financial strains, a lost job, and a new one that takes a lot of my time and attention. And the most trying of all, the untimely death of Halle’s father. Through the good and the bad, we have gotten closer and stronger.

You are a wonderful step-mom to Delaney and Haley, even when they know exactly what buttons to push. I know that I will never replace Gulli in Halle’s heart and mind, and that is not my place nor desire, but she and I have also grown much closer. I can feel a strong and lasting relationship developing between us, and I love that. I love my role in our family and wouldn’t change a thing.

My life is much better with you and Halle in it. There was a time, not that long ago, that I swore I would never get married again. I was down on marriage and enjoyed just being “me”. You changed all of that. I can still be me, and be a good husband and father, at the same time. You bring that out in me, and I thank you for it. What I once saw as a choice, between a life of being tied down versus a lot more freedom, was never needed. There is no reason to choose when you can have both, and I have both.

You have been a wonderful wife, and I hope I have been a good husband to you as well.

I consider myself a very lucky man, and am looking forward to many more years sharing my life with you, most definitely my better half.

Happy 1st Anniversary Missy, I LOVE YOU!!!

Oh So Very Close….

Whew! There is a huge sign of relief echoing around our household right now. We got the home appraisal back yesterday, and this time we didn’t get screwed! It came back with only $100 to spare, but that is good enough for us. Having that done is like a huge weight has been lifted off us.

Since we are pushing the dates on the contract pretty hard at this point, I called Dave Haack at Haack Homestead and scheduled the inspection for this morning. He had a cancellation so the timing worked out great. I met Dave at 8:30AM since I wanted to be there for the inspection, and also to take a few more measurements for the upcoming basement construction project.

Dave is a super nice guy and appeared to do a very thorough inspection. I debated whether or not I wanted to shell out another $355 for the inspection, but like most people, I sure am glad that I did.

Within 15 minutes he had found a substantial, but easily correctable, problem. Water had gotten under the shingles in the back of the house, over a soffit. The plywood underneath had rotted and was destroyed. Since this is over a soffit, no water got into the house and no interior damage was done. There is extra plywood and shingles in the garage, so a repair should not cost too much, just a little time. We are asking the seller to have this repair made. Her son built the house, so he will likely be the one making the fix.

The other problem Dave found was that the window frames in the basement windows had rotted to the point they are falling apart. These are near the ground and protected from sunlight by tree’s, so in all likelihood snow built up there and the moisture could not evaporate. The windows themselves are fine, just the frames need repaired or replaced. We are also asking the seller to fix this, though even this should not be an expensive repair.

Overall the house is in excellent condition. Even the air conditioner was so clean you could eat off it, no dust or anything. Dave was surprised at that, he thinks the owner must have had yearly maintenance performed on all of the mechanicals because they were so clean and well maintained.

I had found a place in the vinyl siding where there was a hole and had planned to fix it myself. I was pleased to locate several long sections of siding still in the home, so making a near perfect match will be easy. Dave even mentioned that I should take an existing piece from a not-so-visible place on the house and use it to replace the broken piece, and then put the new piece where the old one was. The older aged piece will match exactly. After he said it, it made perfect sense, but I had not thought about that before.

So, back in the basement I figured out that my original plan for my office didn’t work, the placement of the door just would not go where I planned it. That is no biggie, I already had a backup plan in mind, so will have to go with that. On the plus side, there is more already framed and insulated than I had planned, so there will be even less materials that I have to buy.

iFreedom Direct’s underwriter only came back with 2 conditions for final loan approval. The first was some document that we signed but was missing, they are getting that from our Realtor. The second is proof of funds for closing. Nobody yet knows the real final closing costs, but are hoping to be able to calculate that pretty accurately in the next day or two so that we can submit our proof of funds for closing and get this baby sealed up.

It really looks like this is going to happen! I cannot say enough nice things about our mortgage broker, Jules Stewart at iFreedom Direct. She has been absolutely wonderful to work with. She’s professional when she needs to be, and friendly and goofy at times when things get crazy. She always calls me when she says she will, and often times when she doesn’t. She responds quickly to her emails and actually answers her phone when I call her. I highly recommend anyone considering either an FHA or VA mortgage to give her a call (800.891.5785 x6624 or 801.682.9907).

She is like the Anti-Jon Barca at RLCA. As crappy as he is, she is that on the good side. Ok, bashing of RLCA, Jon Barca, and Lynette Richter is done. Poof, you are out of my life 🙂

Happy Birthday Lisa!!!

Happy Birthday Lisa!!!
I am publishing this blog entry a day early because I want to be the first to officially welcome my sister Lisa to her LATE 30’S!!! Yep, no more mid-30’s, you have now crossed into late-30’s and will soon join me in the “pushing 40” crowd!

We all love you and hope you have a relaxing and wonderful birthday! Statistically, you are now mid-life 🙂 Welcome to the 2nd half!!! Damn I’m cruel 🙂 🙂

Hell Week Almost Over, Appraisal Tomorrow

Right now is the start of day 7 without cigarettes and “Hell Week” will be over when we wake up tomorrow. Most of the time, quitting has not been that hard, but it sure has its moments! The mornings are the toughest for me, I always want that first smoke when I wake up. Missy brought home Chipotle burritos for dinner last night, and that really triggered a craving. But we did not give in. I am feeling a WHOLE LOT better than I used to!

The home appraisal will happen tomorrow, so we are really sweating that now and hoping all goes well. We are showing our rented duplex tonight to the next possible tenant, and really need an answer on the house tomorrow. I sure hope we do not have to wait until Monday!

I completed the drawings last night for the office addition in the basement and put an estimate together for all the materials I will need to build it, less than $1,000 including hardwood floors. It looks like it will be a fun project, I sure hope I get the chance to actually build it!

5 Days Down, Appraisal Coming

I have now made it through 5 days without smoking, pretty close to a new record for me. Missy has too, other than one small slip today that doesn’t really bother me. She said it was terrible, almost made her sick, so I don’t think it will be a problem. My cravings are manageable and I have not had any real strong desire to smoke. I have had dreams about smoking for the last 2 nights, which is strange, especially since I am not smoking in the dreams, but trying to not smoke.

Delaney, Halle and I also visited the new house today. This was mostly for me to get measurements so that I can start planning the basement remodeling that will need to be done, but also because neither of the girls had seen the house. Haley went with us when we looked at it. Fortunately, both girls approved 🙂

My mortgage lender did tell me that the appraisal has been scheduled for Friday of this week. We are hoping to know that day what the dollar amount is, but fear we won’t know until Monday. This is making getting an inspection done in time quite difficult, but the biggest hurdle to get over right now is the appraisal. We are only 3 weeks from closing and are showing our duplex to a potential renter Thursday night, so we are flirting with the possibility of not having a place to live at all if we do not close on this house. Stress is building daily.

On a wonderful note: Make-A-Wish granted our nephew Devin his wish and we had a great party at their house this evening. He wanted a Nintendo entertainment center, and they delivered in a big way. They delivered a 40″ Sony Bravia LCD TV, Sony Surround Sound System, a Nintendo Wii with TONS of games, Nintendo DS Lite, 2 X Rocker video gaming chairs, and a bunch of other gifts and video game items. They also brought him clothes and Culvers catered the event with tons of chicken planks and all the side dishes, including a yummy ice cream cake!

Super-special thanks go out to Make-A-Wish Foundation, Best Buy, Circuit City, Nintendo and Culvers. Devin had a wonderful evening and will be enjoying his “rig” with the rest of his family for many years to come. If you are interested in learning more about their family, my sister-in-law Kris maintains a blog located at mama4jesus.blogspot.com.

3 Days Down, A Lifetime To Go

We made it through our 3rd full day of not smoking and are now beating up on day 4. “Hell Week” will be over soon and we are hanging tough. Today is the first day back at work for us, and also the first day where the “oxygen high” really kicks in. Apparently when you quit, your carbon monoxide level falls to a normal level, and oxygen molecules replace them in your bloodstream. You feel normal, well, normal for a non-smoking person, as a former smoker you feel stoned. This is a nice side-effect 🙂 We are both light-headed and feeling a bit clumsy, but I am feeling very good. It is sort of nice actually.

I cannot really concentrate today, so I am doing other things I need to do for work that don’t require much brain power, like planning my upcoming flight and reservations to Cleveland, downloading a bunch of software from the office that I will need later this week, organizing my inbox, and coming up with a way to nicely secure a web site. I am hoping this will pass by tomorrow, since I have a very busy week planned and need to get a lot done.

A somewhat funny (and money-saving) side-effect of quitting is that Missy no longer likes Mountain Dew. She has been drinking it everyday for years, sort of like her coffee, but she cannot stand it now. That is funny. I noticed at Denny’s that I no longer like hashbrowns. Strange…

Still hoping to hear about the appraisal any day now…

2 Days and Counting…

We have now officially crossed into day 3, with more than 48 hours free of cigarettes. Yesterday got a bit interesting, but we made it. Missy and I were both short-tempered. We went to Harbor Freight Tools (one of my favorite stores) to do some window shopping and then stopped by West Town Mall so Missy could see the new Sephora store. It was amazing, a brand new store full of nothing but cosmetics, and yet they were sold out of the only thing Missy was looking for! Halle also got a Water Massage.

We had lunch at Denny’s, I noticed the hash browns did not taste right. Missy doesn’t like Mountain Dew anymore (yes, hell froze over). I hope this is not our taste buds waking up after years of smoking related paralysis. When we got home I took a short nap and then cleaned and vacuumed the inside of the Explorer, I will do my truck tomorrow.

I don’t want to jinx our quit, but it does not seem that hard this time around. I’m not sure why, but my cravings are not that bad and I can easily deal with them. The lozenges help some, and I like to chew on straws. This makes me look like a tard but I don’t care, it’s working.

Missy and Halle just left to go see a princess movie, I had to pass. I am working on some AutoCAD drawings for the basement of the new house. I wonder if the home appraisers know their life may be in jeopardy this week? 🙂

One Day Down

Well we made it through our first full day of not smoking, 24 hours. I did revise my plan just a little and allowed myself to buy a box of nicotine lozenges that I can use when the cravings are real bad and won’t go away. They are mint flavored and I went through 4 yesterday. I also bought myself a large Ice Tea container, a new cup and straw to drink from, and cut up some straws for something to chew on. Seems that little things like that may make a difference.

We also took it pretty easy yesterday. Missy and Halle went horseback riding and I did a little shopping in the early afternoon. We both took a nap in the late afternoon and I finished the evening playing Grand Theft Auto 4 and then watched the movie Vantage Point. It was a nice day, and not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

I’m not sure yet what we will do today. It is a very nice day for flying, so maybe that will happen later. I am only sure of what will NOT happen today, we will not smoke.

Not having the appraisal back yet on the house adds stress, so we are hoping that is done by mid-week. I hope we are worrying about something that is not an issue. 26 days to closing right now if all goes well!