3 Days Down, A Lifetime To Go

We made it through our 3rd full day of not smoking and are now beating up on day 4. “Hell Week” will be over soon and we are hanging tough. Today is the first day back at work for us, and also the first day where the “oxygen high” really kicks in. Apparently when you quit, your carbon monoxide level falls to a normal level, and oxygen molecules replace them in your bloodstream. You feel normal, well, normal for a non-smoking person, as a former smoker you feel stoned. This is a nice side-effect 🙂 We are both light-headed and feeling a bit clumsy, but I am feeling very good. It is sort of nice actually.

I cannot really concentrate today, so I am doing other things I need to do for work that don’t require much brain power, like planning my upcoming flight and reservations to Cleveland, downloading a bunch of software from the office that I will need later this week, organizing my inbox, and coming up with a way to nicely secure a web site. I am hoping this will pass by tomorrow, since I have a very busy week planned and need to get a lot done.

A somewhat funny (and money-saving) side-effect of quitting is that Missy no longer likes Mountain Dew. She has been drinking it everyday for years, sort of like her coffee, but she cannot stand it now. That is funny. I noticed at Denny’s that I no longer like hashbrowns. Strange…

Still hoping to hear about the appraisal any day now…

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