Finally, I Know (Politically) What I Am

I have always considered myself a Republican, and my voting record supports that. I have not always voted Republican, and never voted a straight ticket, but when choosing between multiple candidates that I knew nothing about, I would choose the Republican over the Democrat.

Why would I consider myself a Republican? I have no idea, but with the exception of a few things in their agenda, I agree with most of their beliefs. But wait a minute. I am agnostic, certainly not a bible thumper, and am pro-choice which would get me tossed out of a convention. Ok, other than that, I am a Republican. But I liked Bill Clinton and could not stand Bush Sr. and even though I worked on Dubya’s campaign, I cannot stand him now. Reagan, now that was a president. Love him or hate him, Reagan was an incredible leader of this country.

But what about John McCain? I like him, and I do believe strongly that he deserves the job. He is a good American and by all accounts a good, honest and decent man. He is not extreme right, just a little right of center, and by all accounts I should like him, and I do. But I don’t want him as my president. I cannot pinpoint exactly why, a little bit of “he’s been there forever”, and “he’s too much like Bush”.

Hillary Clinton. Maybe. I definately like the idea of having a woman president, if only to prove to my 3 daughters that they truly can be whatever they want in this country. I think she would make a fine president, and we basically get 2 for 1 with Bill in the picture. Not bad at all. She would be more appealing if she could lose the Perma-Bitch face and pant suits.

About a month ago, the whole family went to a Barrack Obama rally in Madison at the Kohl Center, and yes, we took the girls. Now that guy can carry an audience. He is a wonderful speaker, and I think I am a pretty good judge of character. He seems honest and naive, but I like that. He is somewhat of a dreamer, but I am not going to cut him for that. We need more of that in Washington. He was not negative, even against those running against him, and while he lacked specifics of how he would implement his idea’s, he was refreshing and hopeful. Seems like the kind of guy you could hang out with, player poker with, joke with, even while he runs the country. His wife Michelle would also be the best looking First Lady in US history, she’s hot.

He said something during his speech that rang true with me. He mentioned that a lot of Repulicans were backing him even though he is a Democrat, and a pretty liberal one at that. I knew this was true because I had heard this from other sources as well, not just him. I also knew it was true, because I am backing him, and I’m a Republican. Right?

He mentioned the word “Obamican”, a Republican that supports him. Now I had a word for my political affiliation. I am an Obamican. Even though I represent only a single vote, in a small state, I take my vote seriously. When the Wisconsin Primary came around I made sure I got out and voted for him, he won Wisconsin, thanks to me of course.

I like Hillary too, so when the time comes in November to cast my vote, I look forward to voting for either of them. The dream ticket of Obama/Clinton does not seem so far fetched either, what I believe would be an unbeatable combination. Clinton/Obama would be good too, let Barrack get some more experience and age under his belt, and let Hillary be president before she is too old, that would be a winner too. Sorry John McCain, you are good and deserving man, but 4-8 more years of Republicans running this country? Not this time my friend, and you can thank W for that.

As best I can tell, the only thing Barrack and I disagree on is the death penalty. I am 100% for it. If I was going to reform something it would be doing away with life sentences without parole. If it can be PROVED, without a shadow of a doubt (witness’, DNA, etc) that someone is guilty of a murder or rape, I am all for putting them down. Why spend all that money keeping someone alive that is going to die in prison? That makes no sense to me.

So, unless I am convinced otherwise, I am an Obamican. Here are my beliefs, someone please tell me if I am voting for the wrong candidate:

  • Pro Death Penalty
  • Pro Choice
  • Anti Iraq War (Leave when ready though, no immediate pullout)
  • Pro Afghan War (I support all military action against terrorists)
  • Anti IRS (Support fair tax plan, everyone pays the same percentage)
  • Wellfare Reform (If you can work and won’t, you are cut off)
  • Pro Medical Insurance for Everyone
  • Support Legalization (or Decriminalization) of Marijuana
  • Agnostic / Non-Religious
  • Support Vigorous Separation of Church and State
  • Anti Same-Sex Marriage (Sorry, nothing against gays, just believe in sanctity of marriage)
  • No “Gas Men” Running the Country
  • End Tax Breaks for Big Oil and Very Rich
  • Open Full Relations with Cuba
  • Require Fair Trade (Yes, even with China and Japan)
  • Watch Iran Like a Hawk, Same for Korea and Venezuela
  • Tax Breaks for Company’s that Manufacture in USA
  • Repeal or Heavily Modify NAFTA
  • Beef up the FCRA (Force FICO to change credit card requirements)
  • Reform Immigration to Make Legal Immigration Easier, Illegal Immigration Harsher
  • Restore Economy Before Recession
  • Make Mortgages Easier to Get, More Regulation and Limits on APR’s, etc.
  • Campaign Finance Reform (Real reform, gov’t and private funded, no SIG or PAC money)
  • Repeal DMCA
  • Modify (but keep) US Patriot Act
  • Bring Terrorist Detainee’s in Cuba to US for Trial

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