Today has been a long day, and a tough one. It seems that every computer I own, and some I don’t, were out to get me today. They must have been talking to each other, because they really ganged up on me. In the end I win, of course, but I have been sitting at this computer for over 16 hours and should be on my way to bed.
But I failed to mention that I am also sitting in my new office! There are still a few things to do before I post pictures, touch up some paint here and there, move more furniture and stuff in, but I am working in my brand new space. It is clean, roomy, and has no cat or dog hair. They are not allowed in here. I am still debating whether or not kids are allowed, I think not.
I moved the computer and desk in late last night, after spending 2-3 hours cleaning everything. Since the computer was in the workshop side of the basement for the last 2 months, everything had collected quite a bit of dust and construction debris. It was actually pretty hard to get it all clean, but I managed.
Since I have not written in my blog for a week, I guess I should catch up a little. I worked a lot last week which you can always tell because I neglect the blog.
I did take time out to watch the Presidential Debate last Thursday and the Packers 2nd loss in a row on Sunday. At least the Bears (who I hate) beat the Eagles (who I hate more). I think I shocked my sister when I told her I was actually rooting for the Bears.
I thought McCain did pretty well in the first debate, and I am hoping Barack shows some teeth in the next one. Either way I think we will be just fine, unless we all go broke because congress wants to hand out $700 billion dollars to banks and financial institutions that apparently don’t know how to handle money. I think the better plan would be to force the oil companies to pay it out of their profits. I cannot even imagine what $700 billion dollars looks like, or could buy. I am sure several countries and a tank full of gas.
I have also been really sick for 10 days, but am feeling better the last 2. It really sucks when you have to work 12-14 hour days when you are coughing up a lung and running a fever constantly. I only really crashed one day, a week ago Sunday, never left the couch. That was a good day